Tonight I sat through the first hour of "X-men: first class" before walking out. My only regret is that I didn't leave sooner. Those 60 minutes were crowded with a brothel, a strip club, a raunchy sex scene, and lots of lingerie in between. I would have had enough to complain about if I'd left 10 minutes in.
[*Another great commentary on the movie: http://richardweiler.com/blog]
Here are some of the reasons this bothers me:
1) This is a PG-13 movie, and it doesn't even come close to being appropriate for 13-year-olds. This movie is being marketed to young men, which is the very crowd I hope avoids it. I certainly wouldn't want any of my sons seeing it, and I would be embarrassed to be the mom sitting there with her kids.
There's a reason for the rating system. It's to serve as both a protection and a warning. It's so you know what you're getting you and your family into when you press "play," or pay $10 per admission. And tonight I wasn't prepared for what I saw. I felt betrayed.
2) The adult material was only there for the sex factor - it wasn't party to the plot at all. The half-naked women were strategically placed throughout the whole movie, making it something of a subplot. Instead of "Find Waldo," it was "Find a woman who actually keeps her clothes on the whole movie."
The multiple scenes of women without their clothes on served only as a background to otherwise normal plot development. Why does the CIA agent need to shed her clothes to get a closer look at the politician going into a brothel? Oh yeah - because she's going undercover (impromptu, of course).
But why does that point of development need to take place among 20+ women in lingerie in the first place? What happened to the old fashioned alley scene, or even a smoky bar? She could have gone undercover as a waitress. Hooters would have been more tasteful that.
3) This broke from the tradition of previous X-men movies. Although I'm sure to blush every time Mystique bobs across the screen in all her naked glory, the previous movies have nowhere near the heavy sexual content this one advertises. In fact, I don't think there's been a single Marvel Comic film I've seen that ranked this high on my "Do Not See" list. It's certainly the first one I've ever walked out of.
All in all, I'm disappointed. I expected more, and I had every reason to. Next time, I'll be a little more cautious. Here's a website that's great for giving you the details on a movie's rating and content: http://screenit.com